Starting Strength Weekly Report

October 14, 2024

Jamais vu Edition

On Starting Strength
  • New Merch, Rip in High School, and Another Mask Rant – Rip answers questions live from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.
  • The Secret to a Powerful Press – Rip explains how to use hip movement in the press to improve efficiency and add weight to the bar.
  • Strength Training with Scoliosis by Andrea Signor – When he was 9 years old, Patrick Curry’s doctors diagnosed him with scoliosis. At 10, the 20-degree curvature in his thoracic spine required bracing. By 15...
  • Modifying the Program for Geezers by Jonathon Sullivan – John C. is an 89 year-old WWII-era veteran and resident at an independent living facility for Seniors in the Detroit Metro area. He is an avid reader...
  • Tight Grip Loose Arms on the Deadlift – Starting Strength Coach Byron Johnston clarifies some common problems with step four of the deadlift setup and how to fix them.
  • Weekend Archives: Curb Your Veganism by Robert Novitsky – Health fads come and go in developed countries, like ours here in the United States, but some have teeth. Among them, veganism carries staying power in our society...
  • Weekend Archives: Form Creep by Mark Rippetoe – Everybody’s ability to execute a movement pattern with accuracy and precision is subject to degradation over time. Absolutely perfect execution of any movement pattern is...

In the Trenches

caleb coaches the clean start position
Caleb Rivera adjusts Dennis' start position before the start of the clean at this weekend's Starting Strength Seminar. [photo courtesy of stef bradford]
don standing with a finished power clean
Don with a finished power clean at the end of the platform session on Sunday. [photo courtesy of stef bradford]
langston locks out a press at the starting strength seminar
Nick Delgadillo coaches Langston in the press platform session at the WFAC seminar. [photo courtesy of stef bradford]
dave jenkins deadlifts 225 for a triple
Adam Martin, SSC, watches an uncommon accomplishment for an 81 year old man as Dave Jenkins locks out 225 for a triple at Starting Strength Atlanta. [photo courtesy of Laura Martin]
judy locks out deadlifts at testify
Judy wraps up her Friday morning training session with some deadlift triples at Testify Strength & Conditioning in Omaha, NE. [photo courtesy of Stephanie Sharp]
stephen teaches the press at starting strength boston
Stephen teaches Annabelle the press during her initial private intro Session at Starting Strength Boston. [photo courtesy of Michael Shammas]
group photo of starting strength coaches auditing the seminar
SSCs getting continuing education at the Starting Strength Seminar. These SSCs have come from all over the US and world: Connecticut, Indiana, Texas, Colorado, South Carolina, Oregon, Singapore, and South Korea. [photo courtesy of Caleb Rivera]

Get Involved

Best of the Week

Kg increases


Just curious what a proper kg jump would be for the lifts. 2kg would be 4.4 lbs. Is that good enough? Or should I go 2.5/5.5 respectively? And bench maybe 1-1.5, press 0.5-1? My gym has some Eleiko plates that are very accurate so I want to switch to those instead of the steel ones that vary.

Mark Rippetoe

It doesn't really matter that much. Just be consistent.


There is nothing magical about the number five

Best of the Forum

Would you spot someone benching with a false grip?


Last Saturday, as I was walking back to the changing rooms, a guy asked me to spot his bench. I was basically the only person he could ask for this, as we were the only two people left in that part of the gym.

I had seen him a few minutes earlier, and I had noticed he was using a false grip, so I declined, telling him I don't feel ok spotting someone using the false grip. I was quite apologetic, and he accepted my refusal without much fuss.

Out of curiosity, what would you have done?

Assuming it makes a difference, the bar was loaded with 100Kg.

Mark Rippetoe

That's a good policy. Everybody, please remember this post when you train today.

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